New Thriller Sells More E-Books Than Hardcovers - WSJ

Laura Lippman’s thriller, “I’d Know You Anywhere,” went on sale Aug. 17, and in its first five days sold 4,739 e-books and 4,000 physical hardcovers, said News Corp.’s HarperCollins Publishers. “This is the first book of ours of any consequence that has sold more e-books than hardcovers in the first week,” said Frank Albanese, a senior vice president at HarperCollins. “What we’re seeing now is that if a book gets a good review, it gets a faster lift on the digital side than it does on the physical side because people who have e-readers can buy and read it immediately.

E-Book Sales Jumped 252% in First Quarter, AAP Reports

E-book sales from the 13 publishers that report results to the Association of American Publishers’ monthly sales program rose nearly 252% in the first quarter of 2010, to $91 million, the association reported this morning. Growth actually slowed somewhat in March from the earlier two months, but sales still increased 184.8% to $28.5 million. via

Структура книжных продаж в США (2009)

The publishing industry’s alarm over the electronic book isn’t based on current use. Last year, less than 2 percent of all books sold were e-books, according to Bowker, which tracks the industry. Skip to next paragraph By contrast, trade paperbacks and hardcovers made up approximately 35 percent each of unit sales, Bowker says. Mass market paperbacks came in at 21 percent. But we all know how fast technology can take hold.

Электронные книги - 5% рынка в деньгах. 10% в экземплярах?

Professional and Scholarly Publishing Leads the Market for Ebooks by a Wide Margin « The Scholarly Kitchen Al Greco, Professor of Marketing at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Business Administration, presented data he has complied on the ebook market in the US to seminar attendees. These data are drawn from a variety of sources, including the US Department of Commerce, the US Department of Education, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the US Department of Treasury, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Congressional Budget Office, and the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Писатели против издателей

Американские авторы объединились для создания е-книг | Писатели создали организацию, дабы выпускать свои книги в электронном виде без помощи издателей. Как сообщает журнал Bookseller, группа американских писателей, включая Урсулу Ле Гуин, решила миновать стадию традиционного издательского процесса и самостоятельно подготовила электронные версии своих новых произведений. Они предназначены непосредственно для чтения на ридерах Kindle and Sony. Организация Book View Press была основана в начале этого года членами сообщества Book View Cafe, в котором состояли 27 авторов, на чьем счету числилось немало бестселлеров и наград.

Итоги книжных продаж в США (июл, 2009)

Publishing Sales July 09 E-books sales reached $16.2 million, reflecting a 213.5 percent increase for July, and a 173.9 percent year to-date. Sales of University Press Hardcover books reflected a 15.1 percent decrease in July with sales of $5.2 million; sales decreased by 8.6 percent for the year. University Press Paperback sales posted a decrease of 3.2 percent for the month with sales totaling $8.8 million; sales were down 5.

1% американцев читает книги на iPhone

Perhaps 1% of the US population using iPhone ebook apps | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home … Examining active user sessions tracked by Flurry within the eBooks category, the chart above shows steep growth, over 300% from April to July. In July, Flurry tracked nearly three million active users in the eBooks category, or 1% of the US population. Кажется, это по меньшей мере в 3 раза больше, чем пользователей Kindle.