Random House Children’s Books has released four colour picture e-books, marking the start of its e-book publishing programme for picture books. Digital editions will from now on be released alongside the physical books.
Four titles have been published as fixed page format books for the iBookstore, and in standard EPUB format where the text reflows for the Kindle, Sony Reader and mobile devices.
via thebookseller.com
Правда, совсем непонятно, зачем цвет для нынешних Kindle и Sony Reader.
But the real reason why books are going to vanish is the remarkably un-business-like business model of the publishers. Think of General Motors — decades of inefficiency, but without the federal bailouts.
In no other industry do producers actually wait passively to see what products are suggested to them, instead of doing market research to see what people really want to buy. Yet publishers seldom generate book ideas; instead they wait for literary agents to submit proposals.
«Нужна не только книга, но и зрелища».
«Если звезда, но говно написала, будете издавать?» — «Не отпустим, будем работать».
Даже приятно, когда люди так честно о себе рассказывают.
И с интересом жду мероприятий по закрытию Либрусека и Флибусты.
Big 6 publisher Simon & Schuster’s first quarter earnings announcement included one significant number: Digital content generated 18% of total revenue in the period. Through 2010, e-books had topped out at about 10% of publishing’s revenues.
via latimesblogs.latimes.com
А в 2010 год 10% дохода Simon & Schuster пришлось на электронные книги.
Учитывая, что за квартал обороты составили $155 млн, на электронные книги пришлось $26,35 млн. Нехило.
The AAA constitution says anyone employed by a publisher should not be eligible for membership. Piers Blofeld of Sheil Land said the AAA should reflect the “fast-changing landscape” of publishing. He said: “There are obvious issues and potential conflicts of interest, but at heart the role of an agent is to offer advice and support to a writer on their writing career. We’re here to maximise their earnings. We’re not simply there to act as an interface between authors and publishers—that landscape has gone.
The program enables O’Reilly to boldly shift from a traditional inventory and capital intensive business model to an on-demand program that selects the most timely and cost effective method to print and distribute books, allowing consumers full and immediate access to all of O’Reilly’s titles. O’Reilly is now able to increase their title and channel availability, substantially reduce inventory, free up resources to invest in content development and increase revision speed, keeping the most relevant content available in the market.
И напоследок. Ребята, я вас правда очень люблю и мне, как и вам, крайне не нравятся эти позорные писательские гонорары которые давно уже превратили писательскую профессию в хобби. Но, честное слово – не там вы врагов ищете, не там. По сути, для раскрученного автора от пиратов, выкладывающих его новенький худлит, если оставить в стороне хамство и беспардонность, «пользы как с козла молока, но вреда однако тоже никакого». А для начинающего, которых среди подписантов процентов, думаю, девяносто, от пиратской выкладки ничего, кроме пользы.