Movellas: европейский вариант шортсториз-сообщества is a community site where you can read, write and share stories – or movellas as we like to call them. Here you can read thousands of stories, become a fan of other authors and comment on the movellas. When you create a profile you can write your own stories and get lots of readers. With Movellas it is possible to read anywhere, anytime. You can download movellas for your computer, tablet, iPad, iPod Touch, e-book-reader or smart phone and read them as e-books. Quick, easy and totally free! At everyone can be a writer! At Movellas everyone can publish their stories. Neither age nor experience are essential. All that we require is that you love to write and share your stories. From you can share your stories with all your friends and the rest of the world.

Монетизируются продажами книг. ОК.