Звериный оскал американских агрегаторов контента

The Kansas State Library’s contract with OverDrive expires this December. In September 2010, the library’s director, Jo Budler, received an initial renewal proposal from OverDrive that would have raised the annual administrative fee from its current $10,800 to $25,000 in 2012, $50,000 in 2013, and $75,000 in 2014 and 2015, a 694 percent increase in just three years.

“My own budget has been cut 26 percent and to expect that kind of increase is unreasonable. This is unsustainable pricing,” Budler told LJ, saying she refused to accept the proposal, which she called “astronomical.”

via libraryjournal.com

В сущности, ничего удивительного. Библиотекам и дальше будут сокращать финансирование, пока они все не вымрут. А агрегаторы до последнего будут выжимать деньги из полудохлых структур, чтоб осталось на пенсию. Почему кто-то думает, что в России будет по другому?