Вот оно и случилось - Google завел СМИ. Куда смотрит "Яндекс"?

Like most companies, Google regularly communicates with our business customers via email newsletters, updates on our official blogs, and printed materials. On this occasion, we’ve sent a short book about data, called Think Quarterly, to a small number of our UK partners and advertisers. You’re now on the companion website, thinkquarterly.co.uk (also available at m.thinkquarterly.co.uk, if you’re on the move).

We’re flattered by the positive reaction but have no plans to start selling copies! Although Think Quarterly remains firmly aimed at Google’s partners and advertisers, if you’re interested in the subject of data then please feel free to read on…

via thinkquarterly.co.uk

Очень логичная история. Большим брендам давно пора обзаводиться собственными СМИ. Именно СМИ, а не просто PR-командами. Не факт, что у Google выйдет именно так, как надо. Но посмотрим.