InDesign CS5 allows designers to create digital documents using their existing skill sets. When working directly in InDesign users can now add MP3 audio files, video, interactivity and animation without working in a timeline or writing code to deliver rich, interactive documents for the Flash Platform. The soon-to-be released Flash® Player 10.1 and Adobe AIR® 2 are optimized for high performance on mobile screens and designed to take advantage of native device capabilities for a richer, more immersive user experience. InDesign CS5 page layouts can be delivered on a variety of wireless devices from laptops to mobile phones. Enhanced support for industry standard EPUB file format enables delivery of eBooks to reading devices such as the Sony Reader, Barnes and Noble nook and tablets, including Apple iPad, with greater control over content ordering and styling.
Видимо, это первый InDesign для кроссплатформенных изданий.