Amazon предложил 70% роялти. Но с условиями
Amazon’s old system will remain in place for those who don’t want to participate in the new arrangement, but the carrot to upgrade is pretty attractive—a typical $8.99 book would pay an author $3.15 under the “standard” system, while an author or publisher would get $6.25 under the new 70 percent scheme.
The catch, however, is that authors or publishers must list their books for between $2.99 and $9.99 on the Kindle. A majority of Kindle books already fall into this range, but authors are able to set prices higher if they want, and some do.
The price must also be at least 20 percent below the lowest list price for the physical book, the book must be available in all geographical areas where the authors has rights, it must include all features of the Kindle store (including text-to-speech capabilities), and the Kindle price must be the same or below the price offered at other e-book stores.
Essentially, the pricing and features of your book must be most attractive on the Kindle compared to any other option on the market. In return, more cash gets paid out.
То есть 70%. НО! Суммируя все оговорки — при наименьшей цене за книгу. Amazon, кажется, готовится к войне с Apple, которая, по слухам, предложила свободные агентские условия «большой шестёрке» американских издательств — как в App Store.