Тайваньские производители объединились в Лигу электронного чтения. Для чего?
After the Executive Yuan included e-book into the cultural and creative department as one of the six emerging industries, Ministry of Economic Affairs stepped up the efforts today. As the Taipei Computer Association took the lead, Acer, Quanta, Acer Communications and Dentsu also joined more than 200 enterprises in the “Electronic Reading Industry League with the fist to establish a common e-book format.
Du Zi-jun, Secretary of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs noted that first we should take the EPUB format into circumspect consideration to follow the international standard. The second is we can co-enact the common format for Chinese e-book with Mainland China in next June’s Computex Exhibit and promote Taiwan’s e-book products.
via etaiwannews.com
Чтобы поддержать EPUB.