Google Editions is an upcoming paid access product that will allow consumers to easily purchase and read digital editions of books. Consumers will be able to preview a book, as they do today in Google Books, and will also have the option to purchase its Google Edition. After purchase, the book will live in the consumer’s online bookshelf, available to be accessed and read on most devices with internet access and a web browser; as well as on supported partner devices (to be announced during our public launch). Today it is possible for users to view a limited percentage of each book submitted to Google Books by you. With the launch of Google Editions in 2010, you as the rightsholder will be able to choose to sell full access to your books directly to consumers. We’re planning to sell these Google Editions in the near future through the Google Books site, as well as through retailer partners.
Как и ожидалось, Google, защищая копирайт, строит walled garden.
Если на это пошёл Google, то это будет тренд на некоторое время.