AUO - новый игрок на рынке букридеров / Technology - AUO to kindle rivalry with half-price e-readers

Taiwan’s AU Optronics has thrown down the gauntlet to its rivals, saying it expects to be able to halve the cost of electronic readers, popularised by Amazon’s Kindle devices, within two years.
The world’s third-biggest flat-panel maker has begun shipping six- to nine-inch-sized e-readers to a number of clients, according to CT Liu, a senior vice-president of consumer product displays at AUO.
The Taiwanese company is “in talks [to supply e-readers] to nearly everyone you can think of”, including China Mobile and a number of European brands, Mr Liu told the Financial Times.

Интересно не только это: используемая AUO технология SiPix позволяет получать разрешение более 300 dpi.