
Проект Gutenberg. 50 тысяч книг

Project Gutenberg is thrilled to achieve the milestone of eBook #50,000. In honor of Project Gutenberg’s founder, Michael S. Hart, a special title was selected. “John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, His Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death” is now available at www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/50000. Johannes (or John) Gutenberg is best known for introducing mechanical movable type printing to Europe. This brought about a revolution in printing, which was a key event in shaping today’s information and knowlege-based society.

Так вот откуда появились ISBN…

In the second of our series of articles about the International Standard Book Number system, Richard Charkin talks to David Whitaker, who chaired the panel which planned the Standard Book Number system, which was introduced in the UK in 1967 and which subsequently evolved into the ISBN system […] Source: International Publishers Association - “It was an idea whose time had come.” David Whitaker on the birth of ISBN

Ничего святого: проанализировали «запах старых книг»

That “Old Book Smell” is a Mix of Grass and Vanilla | Smart News. Главная составляющая запаха старых бумажных книг — результат разложения лигнина, близкого по своему химическому составу ванилину. Старые книги пахнут ванилью. Так они борются за своё сохранение.
Не могу не запостить

Не могу не запостить

В книге всякие ништяки. Автор рулит. Недаром один из создателей Kindle. P. S. Автограф, хоть и цифровой, но настоящий. Ништяк )

Ролик старый. Но такой красивый

A short vignette of a book being created using traditional printing methods. For the Daily Telegraph. Shot at Smith-Settle Printers, Leeds, England. The book being printed is Suzanne St Albans’ ‘Mango and Mimosa’ published as part of the Slightly Foxed series. Shot, Directed & Edited by Glen Milner.

Kodak подаёт на банкротство

digital happened. via thenextweb.com У Брюса Стерлинга есть очень правильная тема — «мертвые технологии». И в блоге, и в одном из романов, в «Священном огне», кажется. Кинокамеры перестали производить ещё в прошлом году. Теперь вот Kodak. Цифра вторгается в жизнь и всё переделывает под себя. Кто не смог присвоить это вторжение — обречён. Или будет процветать как реинкарнация винила и поляроида.

We might as well call it: Cinema as we knew it is dead

An article at the moviemaking technology website Creative Cow reports that the three major manufacturers of motion picture film cameras — Aaton, ARRI and Panavision — have all ceased production of new cameras within the last year, and will only make digital movie cameras from now on. As the article’s author, Debra Kaufman, poignantly puts it, “Someone, somewhere in the world is now holding the last film camera ever to roll off the line.

В отличие от Столмена, Парфри объективен

Steve Jobs and his Apple Empire was a great thing for Feral House …. for a while. His 512 K “Fat Mac” enabled us to to typeset and design books without going through the too-costly route of paying for text created on a Compugraphic typesetting device. (We must also thank a Mr. Stephen Bates who created the beta software “Just Text” which was the first program to allow its users to create elegant Postscript type, about a million times better than the usual crappy dot-matrix computer fonts.