
Платформа для цифровой публикации Adobe будет сервисом

Pricing for the Professional Edition is expected to be $699 per month plus a per-issue fee that scales according to volume. For that price, publishers can access the Digital Publishing Suite and create applications for all of their titles and publications. The Enterprise Edition is a custom, multi-year platform agreement that gives publishers access to technologies for integration of back-end services such as subscription management, print fulfillment, and e-commerce. Adobe also offers professional services to support enterprise level projects.

Zhook - формат электронных книг

via ochook.org Чего только не бывает, вот, например, ещё один формат ебуков — Жук, сорри, Zhook. Что-то типа EPUB, но только в одном зазипованном файле в HTML5. Последнее обстоятельство как раз очень перспективно. Но, думаю, EPUB тоже будет туда двигаться.

Началась каннибализация? Или электронные книги - это другой рынок?

The data, released as part of a seminar held yesterday with Enders Analysis, ‘Digital Seminar: e-books and their impact on the market’, showed genres such as science fiction and romance are “overperforming” thanks to the tastes of early adopters of e-books. For example, the e-book market share of the science fiction and fantasy sector globally for the 10 weeks since June was 10%, more than treble the genre’s market share of print book sales.

Blio запустят 28 сентября

K-NFB Reading Technology, creator and developer of Blio, today announced that the world’s most advanced, flexible and engaging e-reader application, will be available for download beginning September 28 at www.blioreader.com. Blio, which is free to download, will be available immediately for all Windows-based devices, with applications for iOS and Android operating systems following soon after. In the coming months, Blio will be rolled out worldwide through device manufacturers, retailers, mobile carriers and educational institutions, and supported by fully-customized digital media storefronts.

Lonely Planet выпустило путеводители с расширенной реальностью

Lonely Planet has launched augmented reality guides for UK’s Google Android users. Its ‘Compass Guides’ are available for 25 locations including Amsterdam, Bangkok, Barcelona, Hong Kong, Istanbul, London, Paris, Prague and New York City. They are available for $4.99 (£3.12) from the Google Android store. Matthew Cashmore, innovation and ecosystems manager, said: “This is one of the most innovative things we’ve launched and we’re really excited to see how people use this application.

Quark --> Blio

via mobilitysite.com Как интересно. Quark пробует выжить за счёт превращения в инструмент для создания электронных материалов для новой платформы Blio, которую готовит Рэй Курцвейль. Проблема только в том, что Blio ещё нет и её будущее, учитывая заполненность рынка, непонятна.

Geo-aware ebook demo : Threepress Consulting blog

via blog.threepress.org Пример страницы электронной книги (webkit-based), определяющей ваше местоположение.