Проект Gutenberg. 50 тысяч книг

Project Gutenberg is thrilled to achieve the milestone of eBook #50,000. In honor of Project Gutenberg’s founder, Michael S. Hart, a special title was selected. “John Gutenberg, First Master Printer, His Acts, and most remarkable Discourses, and his Death” is now available at www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/50000. Johannes (or John) Gutenberg is best known for introducing mechanical movable type printing to Europe. This brought about a revolution in printing, which was a key event in shaping today’s information and knowlege-based society. Michael Hart invented the electronic book in 1971, launching what would become his life’s major calling. He named his effort “Project Gutenberg,” to recognize the impact of Johannes Gutenberg and in anticipation of electronic books helping to transform society by bringing cost-free literature to all people. Free literature, and the freedom of thought and freedom of expression it fosters, is key to growth of literacy, opportunity and enlightenment. You can

Source: Project Gutenberg Releases eBook #50,000 | Project Gutenberg News

Одному из самых старых краудфандинговых проектов, библиотеке электронных книг Project Gutenberg, основанной в 1971 году Майклом Хартом, потребовалось 44 года, чтобы собрать 50 тысяч книг. Хорошая затея. Жаль, Харт не дожил.