Кодекс как опыт нелинейного чтения

Кодекс как опыт нелинейного чтения

God knows, there was great literature before there was the codex, and should it pass away, there will be great literature after it. But if we stop reading on paper, we should keep in mind what we’re sacrificing: that nonlinear experience, which is unique to the codex. You don’t get it from any other medium — not movies, or TV, or music or video games. The codex won out over the scroll because it did what good technologies are supposed to do: It gave readers a power they never had before, power over the flow of their own reading experience. And until I hear God personally say to me, “Boot up and read,” I won’t be giving it up.

via nytimes.com

Почему-то мне кажется, что электронная книга, действительно напоминая свиток, вполне способна дать и опыт нелинейного чтения. Может, для этого достаточно приделать линейку страниц?