Kindle It : Идея Instapaper живёт

Kindle It : Идея Instapaper живёт

Kindle It lets you send articles you find on the web to your Kindle or other e-reader for easy reading. It is being developed as part of the Five Filters project to promote independent, non-corporate media.


Our browser extensions allow you to send web articles you encounter to your Kindle with very little fuss.

If you’re not using one of the browsers above, you can use our bookmarklet. To quickly and easily send content you encounter online to your Kindle, drag the Kindle It button below to your browser’s bookmarks toolbar. Then whenever you’d like to send the page you’re reading to your Kindle, click the bookmarklet.

Bookmarklet: Kindle It


Расширение для Хрома, Файерфокса и приложение для Андроида, которое засылает понравившуюся статью, очищенной от веб-чепухи в родной Kindle. Жаль, с Kindle-программами не работает.