Продано 150 тыс экз Elements для iPad

So, for many delegates if there was one presentation that really stood out at FutureBook 2010 it was when Max Whitby, founder and CEO of Touch Press, spoke about The Elements iPad app. Not only was the project a unique idea (at the time) with an amusing story attached to it (after all — publishers and booksellers like stories), he revealed Touch Press have so far sold over 150,000 units at $14 each — with Touch Press receiving a 70% share of those sales. For the creators of The Elements this translates into nearly $1.5 million in revenue. Rarely do we get to hear about iPad app sales for book apps — publishers are apparently unable to share sales figures because of restrictions from Apple –- and these heartening figures had everyone sitting upright in their seats.

via publishingperspectives.com

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