China Mobile и букридеры

China Mobile Should Have a Head Start in E-Reader Race – Seeking Alpha

Meanwhile Jinke is also looking further afield, having already reached a deal with France Telecom to distribute its Hanlin reader in Europe via Orange MNC business units and is looking to target BRIC partner countries, Brazil, Russia and India in the near future.

Там еще любопытная новость о том, что Китай собирался закупить аж сразу 165 млн букридеров - для учащихся. Подтверждения, правда, не нашел, кроме упоминания о презентации Tim Godfray, “Opportunities for Booksellers Created by the Digitization of Book Content” (presentation at annual meeting of the European Booksellers Federation, December 4, 2006). Видимо слух, но забавный.